Meanwhile, we can confirm that the beauticians Beautique has agreed to have a manicure stall, adding to the wide range of stalls already organised. Audience members will now be able to peruse clothes stalls from the likes of Monkee Genes, make-up and beauty stalls, and a hand massage stall, as well as charity and FP stalls.
The Kilt Hire Company has also kindly offered to provide us with kilts for the catwalk, to be modelled by the SMC boys who visited Open Arms Malawi this summer!
As we count down the days until the big event, which we can now confirm will run from 6.30-9.45pm, we will be sure to keep you informed of all the final touches. In the mean time, tickets go on sale THIS Monday! Be sure to pick up your ticket ordering letter from the MES reception, if you do not receive one from the school.
To show you just how great a treat you'll be in for if you do buy a ticket, here is the advertisement we have put together, to be shown at our school assembly on Monday: